Cheap hang glider kits
Cheap hang glider kits

cheap hang glider kits

The ability to fly without a medical certificate.Motor gliders are a cross between airplanes and gliders. This glider must be launched by other means. “Sustainer” engines provide only enough power to keep the glider aloft if it encounters unexpected sink. Motor gliders come in two styles – “self-launch” and “sustainer.” As the names imply, “self-launching” gliders have the capability to launch by themselves. There are other ways to launch a glider – a winch launch, an automobile launch – or the ultimate freedom to fly gliders by yourself – the MOTOR GLIDER. Sometimes, you just want to go flying, and it is hard to fly a glider by yourself, or perhaps you don’t have a tow plane. If there is a down side to glider flying, it is that same need for people. It is something sorely missed in the powered side of flying, and the chance to socialize with others is one of the reasons that soaring – along with ballooning, skydiving, and flying ultralights and light sport aircraft – is increasing.

cheap hang glider kits

Grills come out, families gather, and everyone shares in the stories of the events of the day. When the gliders are put away, the social side of flying sets in. Flying a glider involves a number of people – a tow pilot, someone to run your wing, perhaps help with assembling, and a chase crew if you set off cross-country. The fun doesn’t stop when the lift quits, either. Some even have a deceleration chute like a jet. They have retractable gear, complex flap systems, and speed brakes. Like jets, gliders are so low in drag that when you put the nose down, the aircraft accelerates. Gliders fly more like jets than piston airplanes fly like jets. There is not pretension of being able to use them for efficient and reliable travel.

Cheap hang glider kits